What busy, yet amazing times we are living in, with incredible Events having been held all over the world for June 26th, 2021! We stood proudly with our brothers and sisters in the UK, Denmark, New York, New Zealand and 9 other places in Australia to raise voices for our children!
This pioneering event was a first, designed to educate and give a voice to survivors of SRA (Satanic Ritual Abuse). Crimes against children including SRA, are far more prolific than people realise. This is the real epidemic abuse, and exploitation of our most vulnerable.
Each event included presentations from advocates and survivors. Awareness is the very first step in creating much needed change. Through incredibly brave and moving first-hand accounts, we learned about the war that exists on our children today. Our survivors spoke of their experiences and incredible healing journeys. Through finding inner strength and resilience, these warriors have not only healed themselves, but they are also using their voices to protect all children and create a future that we will be proud of. We applaud each one of our speakers for your courage.
Each event also included an awareness walk, where supporters hit the streets to bring public focus to our children. Incredible signs, music and groups calling out for children, delivered a passionate message, “enough is enough, save our children!”
Thank you to each one of you, who stood for our children on June 26th. Whether you took part in one of our events, contributed to our Go Fund Me Donation – for banners and set up fees, or you joined from home, sharing this incredible event on social media. Together we are stronger.
Looking to contribute to past and future event costs, hit the donate button below to learn more.
The connections made on days like June 26 provide support and our beautiful community is growing and evolving. We'd love to see you and your passion at future events, we'll be meeting up this Saturday July 24th, at the Worldwide Rally for Freedom in Australia and New Zealand, though rallies are being held in cities globally, find out more about your city here . We will be bringing our signs for children and would love to meet you there. As one brave survivor suggested, imagine if we all brought just one new face, how much faster could we affect change.
Thank you for being a voice for children.
Much Love Gabbi